Friday, May 11, 2012

The Sky and it's Likeness

The clouds here in Brooklyn were just perfect today. The sky was just the color you would think a sky should be. And the clouds, don't even get me started on the clouds. They were to die for darling. In honor of this, I thought that I would do a quick post about our favorite upstairs neighbor. Without further ado, I present to you, the sky in four parts. 

Here are a few of the previously mentioned clouds here in Brooklyn.
Aren't they pretty?

Here are some recent pictures of the Sky Ceiling at Grand Central Terminal. This is my favorite ceiling in all of New York City.

Remember that amazing scene in the Science of Sleep? No, no that one, the other one. No, not that one either. That one is great too, but I mean the other one. This is the one. The one with the clouds and the music. Mr. Gondry, you're alright in my book.

And now, since we seem to have covered the photo and video department, let's end with a few words. And who better to say those words, but the great Mark Twain. Below is my favorite part of The Diaries of Adam and Eve. 

"By watching, I know that the stars are not going to last. I have seen some of the best ones melt and run down the sky. Since one can melt, they can all melt; since they can all melt, they can all melt the same night. That sorrow will come--I know it. I mean to sit up every night and look at them as long as I can keep awake; and I will impress those sparkling fields on my memory, so that by and by when they are taken away I can by my fancy restore those lovely myriads to the black sky and make them sparkle again, and double them by the blur of my tears."

I bid you all a good day. Look up when you go outside today. I think you'll like it.

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